Thursday, February 07, 2013

Cream Cheese Cherry Cake served fresh from the rice cooker! :D

I know, baking a cake is nothing special I could brag about. However, this time cake is slightly different from other cake I’ve ever baked as I normally used the oven.
However, once I travelled back to my home country, where oven is not very popular, and the main dished of every meal is rice. I must learn to adopt something.
Sadly I did not plan to update the blog in prior, so I did not take any photo of my cake being baked in the rice cooker (I’ll surely do that next time).
However, you could have a look at my cherry cake!

Adding the cream cheese into the cake was slightly strange when you mix it, as I always thought that it could only go well with cheese cake. It turns out that the cake is really rich and soft. I used fresh cherry for the cake, but I would suggest the preserved one instead, because once the cherry is cooked it became really sweet and soft, and it also ruins your cake texture (mine collapsed for a bit when I cut them apart).

Baking the cake in rice cooker is really easy too. I left my cake in the rice cooker for nearly 50 mins and didn’t even checked that it went from ‘cook’ to ‘keep warm’ for how long. By leaving it cooked, as I believe makes the cake’s skin cooked and I was glad I didn’t forced the rice cooker to cook it for too long as my cake’s skin became quite dark, and I even thought that it was burned! (Lucky it wasn’t!!) I think the heat from ‘keep warm’ mode is much enough to slowly cook the cake. But as you can see the skin is not very smooth as the cake was rather boiled than baked, so the skin in the last area that is cooked at it became all bubbly!

Lastly, I am glad I still keep on doing what I like, despite the lack of appropriate tools. 

I enjoy it, and I hope you do too! 

Wita xx

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